Information and knowledge transfer center for Sustainable Livestock Production and Animal Welfare
The Information and knowledge transfer center on Sustainable Livestock Production and Animal Welfare will be established at the Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University.
Report on the implementation of the SULAWE project on the work of LLL centers of V. Dahl SNU (EN)
Report on the implementation of the SULAWE project on the work of LLL centers of V. Dahl SNU (UKR)
Existing Center for Modern Education and Information Technologies of Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University will performing implementation of Lifelong Learning Center within project SULAWE.
The Center includes:
– department of technical teaching aids;
– laboratory of multimedia teaching aids;
– laboratory for repair and maintenance of computer equipment;
– interdepartmental computer laboratory.
The center’s tasks will include:
- Development of training courses and performing master classes on veterinary telemedicine and sustainable livestock farming, precision livestock farming for specialists in the relevant agricultural sector.
- Organization and performing of trainings, conferences, internships, round tables, webinars for applicants for agricultural specialties, specialists in technology of production and processing of livestock products and veterinary medicine (in the context of the direction of production of the economy and the size of the enterprise, managers and specialists: farms, complexes, family farming.
- Implementation of new elements of digital education (flipped class)
- Information and consulting services to the farms of the eastern region of Ukraine on the welfare and welfare of animals, as well as veterinary services.
- Ensuring the possibility of communication of higher education applicants during the educational process with specialists- practitioners of various institutions and organizations using digital technologies.
Location of the Center: Kyiv, st. John Paul II, d.17
Material and technical base of the Center:
- Computer hardware;2 Interactive whiteboards;3 Printers;4. Laptops;5. Software; 5. Furniture
The structure of the Center:
- Head of Center:
Oleh Zakhozhai
Doctor of Technical Science, Professor
Department of Information Technologies and Programming
Acting Director of the Center for Modern Education and Information Technologies
Phone: +380668002274
- Specialists of the Center:
Lіudmуla Parkhomenko
Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, Associate Professor
Faculty of Agriculture
Head of the Department of Animal Health and Ecology
Phone: +380667862206
Tetiana Stryzhak
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Researcher,
Associate Professor
Faculty of Agriculture
Department of Livestock and Food Technology
Phone: +380505684015
Liliia Martynets
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor
Faculty of Agriculture
Dean of Agrarian Faculty
Phone: +380 66 195 87 47
Iryna Yermakovych
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Faculty of Agriculture
Department of Animal Health and Ecolog
Phone: +380500613967
- Specialist
Volodymyr Zinchenko
Phone: +380500613967