2nd Steering Committee Meeting
All partners have participated at the meeting. First of all the report on activities implemented in January – August 2023 and the report on ongoing project activities and time plan were presented by Anna Borsuk
Then, it was made the short presentation of module description by module leads:
- Module 1 (Nataliia Hryshchenko, Andriy Getya, Marija Klopci)
- Module 2 (Ihor Dvylyuk, Elina Asbjer)
- Module 3 (Pavlo Vashchenko, Olena Smirnova, Heinrich Schuele)
The next steps of module development were indicated during the meeting.
The WP3 Capacity building and teachers training was discussed too. In the framework of this work package the following topics were discussed: overview of nominated participants, workplan for study visits, following tasks for demand analysis and capacity building plan, nomination of additional participants.
At the framework of WP4 Establishment of excellence centres for LLL it was given attention to the current state and follow up tasks for universities:
- Elaboration of LLL training programme
- Software purchase
At this meeting, much attention was paid to the organisation of the “Cattle Conference”. Participants, responcible for this event made the short presentation of the conference programme. The Upcoming tasks were also determined
As for Quality assurance, the Quality Assurance plan and procedures and the kick-off evaluation survey were presented by leader of WP Marija Klopcic.
The report on overall implementation of dissemination activities (project homepage, dissemination plan, E-Nesletter, dissemination events and publications) was made by Olga Getya from SMC HPHE.