Preparing an international poultry forum
Familiarising producers with the latest scientific advances is an essential part of the SULAWE project: As last year’s experience shows, the most effective way to disseminate information to a large number of interested parties is to hold a professional forum. This year, on 19 October, the international forum “Politics – Economy – Science – Education. Sustainable Poultry Farming in Ukraine” will take place on 19 October.
This year’s forum is organised by the Poltava State Agrarian University in cooperation with the Ukrainian Corporation for Industrial Meat Production “Tvarynprom” and the State Institution “Scientific and Methodological Centre for Higher and Pre-Higher Education” with the support of the Poltava Regional Military Administration.
In preparation for the event, an organisational meeting was held on 9 September. The meeting participants made a final review of the Forum programme, checked the lists of registered participants, appointed session moderators and agreed on technical issues.