We continue the series of open lectures on veterinary medicine

On 11 March 2025, an open lecture on the discipline ‘Animal Hygiene and Welfare’ was held on the topic ‘Requirements for the welfare of cats in veterinary medicine clinics’. The lecturer was Inna Lavrinenko, Associate Professor of the Department of Infectious Pathology, Hygiene, Sanitation and Biosafety of Poltava State Agrarian University.
The lecture was held within the framework of the KA2 Erasmus+ project ‘Sustainable Livestock Production and Animal Welfare’ (Grant Agreement No. 101083023-SuLAWe). The lecture was attended by second-year students of the Veterinary Medicine study programme, and was also attended by representatives of Ukrainian higher education institutions and international partners.
The purpose of the lecture was to draw attention to the problems with the welfare of cats in a veterinary clinic and to outline ways to improve it. Visiting a veterinary clinic is an important part of a cat’s life, but it can be a source of significant stress and negative emotions. Stress and fear not only worsen the emotional state of animals, but can also affect physiological parameters, making diagnosis and treatment more difficult. That is why creating conditions that promote the physical and psychological comfort of cats in the clinic is an extremely important aspect of modern veterinary practice. Veterinarians and pet owners must provide an environment that is tailored to the needs of the animal and supports its welfare.
The topic of the lecture aroused great interest among the audience, as the issues of assessing and improving animal welfare are currently quite relevant. We thank all the participants and look forward to implementing new joint initiatives!