The cycle of open lectures within the implementation of the SULAWE project has started

On 25 October 2024, as part of the SULAWE project, an open lecture was held by Mykhailo Matvieiev, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Milk and Meat Production Technologies, on the discipline of Digital Livestock Farming: on the topic “Precision Technologies in Animal Farming” for the 2nd year students of the Master’s degree programme in 204 – “Technology of production and processing of livestock products”.
The lecturer focused on the current challenges of implementing precision technologies for the breeding of all farmed animal species, cited the advantages and disadvantages of such technologies in comparison with conventional ones, and presented current issues that scientists in the field of “Precision Livestock Farming” are working on.
The lecture was attended by staff from NULES as well as partner universities from Ukraine and abroad.
At the end of the lecture, the audience actively took part in a discussion about the information they had heard.