Webinar “Animal mutilation: the author’s methodology of forensic veterinary determination”

“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats animals.” Mahatma Gandhi.
Concern for animal welfare is one of the priorities of society. Among the Five Freedoms listed, the definition of animal welfare is freedom from pain and freedom from fear and suffering. The Criminal Code of Ukraine provides: “cruel treatment of animals belonging to vertebrates <…>, if such actions resulted in bodily injury, mutilation or death of an animal <…>” is punishable by restraint of liberty for a term of one to three years or imprisonment for a term of two to three years with confiscation of the animal. Thus, one of the negative consequences for the health and life of animals in the event of cruelty is mutilation.
This was discussed in the webinar “Animal mutilation: the author’s methodology of forensic veterinary determination”, which took place on October 3, 2024 at the Scientific and Methodological Center of the VFPO. The speaker of the event was Ivan Yatsenko, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor of the State Biotechnological University and Leading Researcher of the National Scientific Center “Bokarius Institute of Forensic Expertise” of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, Kharkiv